Tantric Yoni Massage

Women’s in-person 3 hour ceremonial session in Mazunte, Mexico

Hi Sister,

Are you ready to take the next step on your sacred feminine journey?

I welcome you into a sacred ceremony to explore what lives within. To release fear, shame and trauma that may be held within your body, unlock your pleasure and reclaim your power.

Are you longing for a deep reconnection to the Goddess?

Tap into the wisdom of your body, reveal guidance from your soul, harmonise emotional blocks and receive clarity and enhanced awareness to continue on your path with empowerment and grace.

“I highly recommend working with this impeccable soul. You can feel the depth of her studies, lineage imprints, devotion + love through the wisdom of her hands. What was revealed to me, through her - was my Self. Aum Tat Sat” - Leela Ma, USA

What is Tantra Massage ?

Tantra massage is a healing and spiritual form of bodywork stemming from Ayurveda massage (an ancient healing system from India), combined with authentic energetic tantric principles. This modality is one of the most powerful forms of complementary or alternative medicine we have on the planet today, which has the ability to reach and release subconscious blockages, harmonise traumas, and bring our shadow to light for healing.

Tantra is one of the few spiritual paths which actively studies sexuality, and recognises the potent healing power of sexual energy. Utilising this energy in a specific way can catalyse healing and awaken blissful and orgasmic effects.

What to expect ?

This is a full body massage which includes the Yoni (Sanskrit work for the female genitals meaning sacred space).

Through tantra massage a woman can learn to access her vast orgasmic potential through full body orgasm, embracing her feminine power, reconnecting to her sexuality and tapping into her life force. Before reaching such levels in a session, there may be blockages to clear along the way, such as physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual blocks. These are often psychosomatic, related to past traumas, which tantra massage has the potential to clear, heal and harmonise.

Every woman is unique so each experience will be different.

The most important is to release expectations and be open to the journey.

Remember there is no goal. We are not going from A to Z, rather I see it as taking the scenic route where we meet all that arises along the way. This is the way of the feminine, and this is where we open to receive her magical and mysterious ways.

The session is held as a sacred ceremony in a private, serene, ocean view location on the south pacific coast of Mexico. We will set an intention and gain clarity on your desires and what’s holding you back from them so you can tap into your highest timeline reality.

Benefits of a Tantric Yoni Massage:

  • Become more connected with your body, yoni, femininity and sexuality

  • Heal yourself from pain & trauma 

  • Liberate subconsicous blocks & emotions

  • Experience different types of pleasure and orgasmic states 

  • Become independant and empowered in your sexuality

  • Raise your sexual vibration and attract better lovers 

  • Access elevated states of consciousness

  • Use your sexual energy to energize your health, creativity, business, relationships & spirituality


“Your task is not to seek love but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

— Rumi

Are you ready to…

  • Heal and release shame, guilt and trauma?

  • Reconnect to the heart and self-love?

  • Deepen love and acceptance of your body?

  • Connect to your vulnerability?

  • Discover your female anatomy?

  • Awaken to deeper forms of pleasure?

  • Discover the healing potential of orgasm?

What women are saying…

About Your Guide…

Hi Sister,

I’m Thalia Devi, an advanced tantra massage therapist devoted to women’s yoni massage.

I have been developing my gifts as a soul healer and guide for over a decade. In the past 6 years, as a trauma-informed practitioner, I have helped over 100+ women heal their sexuality and reconnect to their womb and pleasure through tantric yoni massage.

I also hold monthly women’s temple arts & cacao moon ceremonies in Mexico, where transformation and intimate sisterhood connections unfold.

My journey of self-love and healing my sexuality have been a lifetime initiation, inspiring my devotion to the Goddess and celebrating the feminine.

I believe loving and embracing yourself just as you are is the way of healing in the new paradigm.

Tune into the wisdom of your womb, you will know if you are ready to enter this portal.

 My greatest wish is to guide you towards your deepest feminine essence so you may dissolve and liberate shame, fear, trauma, doubt and rise in love… with ALL that you are.

This ceremonial session is 3 hours.