PHASE 1: Sexual Awakening 


Unlock Your Divine Feminine Codes

Unleash the Magic of Your Pleasure

Unveil Your Full Erotic Power

Enter The Initiation…

And awaken a new world of possibility.

Here's the truth, my love—You found your way here for a reason. There's something tugging on your consciousness... Something ancient that recognises what it means to enter "The Initiation"— something that is drawn to the idea of reclaiming your own mysterious feminine gifts.

You're here because you're being called into this work. Something in you longs to be activated by these mystical possibilities.

This is an initiation into the lost arts of the feminine. Into the total reclamation of all that we've secretly longed for, but forgot existed.

The Priestess is the sacred gift waiting inside every woman...

She is your pleasure—infused into every layer of your life.

She is your magnetism—drawing in your deepest desires with ease.

She is your womb—tapping into ancestral wisdom and hidden knowledge.

She is your erotic—dripping magic into all your desires and dreams.

The Initiation was created as a gateway for women to enter into the activation and embodiment of their own Inner-Priestess.

This is a journey into self-remembrance through the tantric arts, sacred sexuality, embodiment rituals, and lost feminine wisdom.

This path will align you deeper. It will take you higher. It will infuse a greater aliveness and radiance into all areas of your life.

The Initiation is for the woman who…

  • Has been on the spiritual journey for a while but still feels disconnected from the full magic and expression of her feminine

  • Longs to experience the ripple effect this sacred feminine work will have on every part of her life (in love, wealth, business, spiritual growth)

  • Desires to become more receptive, more magnetic, more radiant as her authentic self

  • Feels the unexplainable, undeniable, mystifying draw into this Priestess Path… 

  • Wants to (re)discover all the lost parts of herself… reconnecting with the highly intuitive, inter-dimensional, divinely aligned woman she really is

Join an intimate gathering of like-hearted women as you step into this portal of pure feminine energy.

The Initiation is a sacred space where you'll enter ceremony to release the shame, judgment, and limiting patterns that hold you back from experiencing the full power of the Priestess within.

You'll dive deep into the tantric realms—weaving the divine experience into the body, and entering a sacred path of liberation.

You'll discover how to reclaim your erotic nature, tap into a higher intuition, infuse your life with pleasure, magnetise your deepest desires, remember who you really are, and elevate every single area of your life.

The Initiation is your journey homeward.
The return to your true self — to the authentic nature of the feminine.

And she is appearing to you now, for a reason, my love.

The Priestess Path is calling… Will you answer?

  • Awakening your pleasure, igniting your sensuality, and feeling ALIVE inside your body—discovering the full beauty and magic of your feminine energy.

  • Becoming independent and empowered in your sexuality, without needing someone else to pleasure and fulfil you.

  • Tapping into higher levels of feminine intuition—moving through life with a highly-tuned psychic compass.

  • Cultivating a deeper relationship with yourself, your soul, your energy, and your sensuality—creating stronger bonds with your lovers, friends, family, and community.

  • Feeling safe inside your sexuality—unlocking new levels of confidence to express yourself sexually.

  • Reclaiming your feminine boundaries—for authentic structure and deeper safety to support your full feminine expression.

  • Teaching your partner or lovers how to pleasure you because you know your body.

  • Discovering new levels of authentic self-love and unconditional self-acceptance for your whole being.

  • Embodying your Inner-Priestess—accessing the wise, mystical, magnetic, radiant, and multidimensional energy within.

  • ...and so much more.


What you’ll learn:

The foundational practices to rise into a Sexually Awakened Tantric Woman

  • Tantric Breathwork

  • Emotional Alchemy

  • 3 tantric keys to liberation

  • Trauma-informed somatic practices to regulate your nervous system

  • Moon cycle awareness

  • Breast Massage Ritual to open the heart

  • A powerful sexual healing Yoni Egg Ritual

  • External & Internal Yoni De-armouring

  • Cervix healing & awakening

  • How to fully awaken your orgasmic energy body

  • The microcosmic orbit for cultivating & circulating your energy

  • The Art of Self-Pleasure

  • The Magic of your Sex — Full Moon Ritual!

  • and more…

Over these intensive 4 days together, you'll experience an initiation into your unique Priestess Path.

We’ll begin with a sacred intention. You'll get clear on your desires, mapping out where you want to go. We'll explore the practices of breathwork, breast massage, and the tantric keys to liberation. We'll focus on grounding into the sensations of the body—slowly unfolding the stories she has to say. 

When we engage the most powerful energy inside of us—EROS, it can have a purification effect. As emotions and energy come up for release, you'll be held and supported the entire way through.

We’ll honour the Goddess through a powerful Tantric Ritual—activating your senses as a portal to the divine. You'll explore life-changing practices—learning to see yourself as the Goddess you are. We’ll explore the deeper programming around body image and programmed beauty ideals—identifying what it truly means for you to be a beautiful, sensual, loving Goddess.

We’ll go deep into our cores—unveiling the feelings and stories we still grip onto inside. You'll explore the arts of emotional alchemy and somatic-based healing—beginning the work of reparenting your inner-child. As physical beings, we can't heal and transform through the mind alone, we need to engage our bodies to release what is still stored there.

We’ll rise from the shadowy primal depths and begin to engage the magic of our sex. You'll be shown how to locate resistance in the body and how to clear and release any remaining blocks you still hold. 

We’ll explore the ancient power of the moon. You'll be guided into a sacred womb clearing and cord cutting ritual. We'll continue by unveiling the mysteries of the womb and showing you ways you can connect with your own womb's power.

You'll learn the sacred arts of the yoni egg, chi massage, and more—learning how to fully embody your radiant, magnetic, and feminine erotic energy. You'll lean into the liberation of your authentic erotic expression—feeling into how YOUR body desires to live (outside of conditioning).

We'll explore how sexual energy is a divine technology and how we can tap into our orgasmic frequency to powerfully manifest. You'll learn sacred practices to connect and redirect your sexual energy to birth new creations—really awakening your feminine sexual magic.

Our final day of this initiation, we'll embody the wisdom, healing, and teachings we received over these 4 intensive days and rebirth for the next phase, the Tantric Yoni Massage Therapist Training.

(Or, continue to main page for more on phase 2 of the training)

A sexually expressed woman who embodies her pleasure becomes magnetic to her wildest dreams.

Meet your Guide…

Hi Sister, I’m Thalia Devi, founder of Yoni Temple, High Priestess, Tantric Embodiment & Sacred Sexuality Guide and Teacher.

As a trauma-informed advanced Tantra Massage Therapist and Teacher, I am devoted to Women’s Yoni Massage.

I first discovered my gift of touch at the age of 8, on body and spirit. Then in my mid 20’s, after years of substance abuse, when I could no longer ignore the screams inside my body, life set me out on a healing quest. Touch saved my life. It brought me back into my body when I could no longer feel. I was numb and dissociated physically and emotionally, due to sexual trauma.

I have been on the sacred sexuality path for the past 7 years and gathered countless certifications over the last decade. Beyond the trainings, life itself has initiated me. It is my own healing journey, embodiment and deep devotion to this work that prepared me to offer you a masterful transmission of this sacred offering to the Goddess.

I have helped over 100+ women heal their sexuality and reconnect to their womb and pleasure through my signature 1:1 Tantric Yoni Massage Ceremonies, and The Pleasure Priestess Mentorship.

It is an honour to empower women to embody their Inner-Priestess. To live in alignment with their heart's desires from a place of deep self-knowing and intuitive confidence.

Through the Yoni Temple Training, I intend to support you to do the same—to connect with the full magic and wisdom of your body, deepen your intuitive prowess, and ignite a life that is guided by pleasure and purpose.

This training will thoroughly prepare and empower you to hold sacred space for more women to experience this incredibly potent and transformative healing modality. For the amount of women in need of this healing, there are not enough qualified therapists out there—we have an entire planet to reach!

If you feel a sincere calling inside your heart into this sacred work, it is an honour to walk hand in hand with women ready to BE the change, and revolutionise our collective experience of sexuality—as a pathway to liberation and reclamation of our divinity.

Are you with me?